Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Day 4: 2014 in Retrospect-first 2 months

So much happened in 2014 but sadly my blog does not reflect it entirely.
January: I managed to successfully complete a blog marathon, it was fun, it was rewarding and even though I knew that this year would be tough I signed up. I already missed one day but since there are no rules I will try to blog everyday. It will be a way of journaling everything.
Last year we had just returned from India and my first trimister ended on Jan 4th, before that I had to get the genetic testing for the baby done. Mid January I had an appointment with the doctor(1st time). I choose Katie Toft but she had to cancel that day and I did not want to reschedule as I had not yet met with a doctor hence I went with Terri Johnson.
I had my weight taken which was 157lbs, urine test and then waited for the doctor, she was a kind older lady, I discussed with her my options of normal vs c-sec as my 1st was a c-sec and I was inclining to do a normal this time.
She said I could certainly try but it was more likely that I would have a bigger baby this time it would not be easy and it was entirely my decision. In case I wanted to go forward with it I would have to change the clinic.
We enrolled Bumble in a new swimming school i.e Foss. Details are here.
I googled and cooked new receipes, had evening walks with friends in the party hall and let the month pass by.

February: This month I had my 20 week ultrasound where I could know the sex of the baby. I decided I did not want to know, as long as I had a healthy baby I did not care.
We had a ladies get together and though the invite was send to 30 ppl only 12 accepted and came, luckily the less turn out was great, we had some really good snacks and fun games. I was still going to work, cooking good food, having my walks with friends and njoying time with baby and hubby.

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