Sunday, April 15, 2012

And then I am this

13th April 2012:- Once again, we @Broadmoor decided to have a get-together to celebrate the Tamil, Punjabi, Bengali and Kerala New Year. Friday, April 13th was decided as the day for the dhamaka nite.
Recently when I went to India Ritvik had got a silk mundu,shirt and I could not see any occasion to put this on him until he outgrows it, so being one of the organizers for the event I insisted on a Fancy Dress Show for the kids.I could dress Ritzu as a Tamil/Malu groom(no need of purchasing any costume, no hard work, the devil in me grinned).We informed all parents only 10 days in advance and all were pretty enthusiastic about it. 
Being part of the  committee of three I was busy in getting food/games arrangements.

Four days before the event  one of the mommies asked what Ritvik was to become and I said ,"Aaaah..ummmmm..not decided"(I did not what to give his outfit out) and she suggested asking him for suggestions. Well, if I did that, i already knew the answer, I thought. SPIDERMAAAAAAAAAAAAAN, it would be. Anyway out of curiosity at night while putting him to sleep I did ask him and he replid, "Easter bunny,amma". Hmmm, if he wanted to become a Easter bunny, I could atleast try to get him a costume. Next day I googled on how to make a Easter bunny costume(am totally against buying a readymade costume), I did find one site but the whole process would take a week and involved stitching as well. While googling for this I did come upon a easy way of making a sheep costume. So evening the conversation goes like this to Ritvik.
"Easter bunny is difficult to make", what about a sheep?
"No amma, no sheep"
"But sheep is good, you could go onstage and say "Baa Baa, black Sheep"
"No amma"
"Ok, then what else can you become"
"Amma, man with the yellow hat" (For those who don't have toddlers, this is Curious George and his friend, the man with the yellow hat". Link is here.
Ahaaa, this was interesting and doable and different. (I also had my backup costume, in case this did not work out)
I was encouraged and said he would look great in it.
So again the next day I googled for the man with the yellow hat costume and again came upon some pretty interesting links. Since Ritvik did not have a yellow shirt/pant, I would have to get a white shirt and pant and dye it. He already had boots and a belt. I would have to make the hat and tie.
 I ran the idea by hubby who said it would be easier to just buy the hat or else go with the sheep costume.

 Next day morning I again tried convincing him to be a sheep but all the encouragement the previous night went to his head, he flatly refused.So Thursday morning I ran the idea by Sandhya and she said it was doable, so we went shopping@Micheals and got the yellow dye, the paper for cardboard, black felt, satin ribbon and glue.
Friday morning Sandhya started work on the hat and tie and it came out beautiful. Evening when he returned from day-care Ritzu was so excited to see the hat, he was even ready to take bath right away.
So, all of you who managed to read this post here is the The Man With The Yellow Hat and he did have a kutti George Monkey to accompany him.

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